Sunday, May 9, 2010

Snowflaking, Step One.

I'm going to be outlining the process towards what will hopefully be my next novel here, in case anyone care about the process! I'm hoping that I'll get some feedback that might help, but at the same time, if you'd rather just read the bloody novel and not know the major spoilers before I even write the damned thing, don't read this!

Okay? Okay.

So, step one, according to the site I found, is to Take an hour and write a one-sentence summary of your novel.

So I've been trying for a while to do that (I'm not sure if it's been an hour, but I've been trying to boil everything down to a single sentence - 15 words!? - since I was on the bus and finished A Prayer For Owen Meany)...

So far, this is what I have:

A teenager finds that power, in any form, can rarely be controlled - it tends to control you.

Okay, so it was sixteen words, but I really, really don't care. It's also as clear as mud what the story's about. That'll be clarified a bit in Step Two. Which I'm hoping to post tonight, since it's on my mind, haha.

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