Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Step 3.3

See Step 3.1 for an explanation!

General Jared Reeves

One-Sentence Summary
Gary Gray is just an assignment, but Gen Reeves knows how to handle it less and less until God hands him the gift of Jesse Gray.

Motivation (Abstract)
Serve his country and its citizens (in that order).

Goal (Concrete)
Remove the threat that Gary Gray poses to the safety of millions of civilians, however possible.

As Gary becomes more powerful, and he looks less like a potential 'friend', and more like a 'foe', he realizes that conventional "containment"/elimination methods won't work.

#1: Gary can't be used for his country, and is angry - and powerful - enough to be a threat.
#2: Jesse - a 17-year old - is probably the only person able to get close enough to "contain" that threat.

One-Paragraph Summary:
Gen Jared Reeves is handed a very strange assignment: A police report, regarding an inexplicable explosion of the back end of a city bus, killing a dozen; a note from a city mayor, giving a possible explanation - some sort of fourth- or fifth-hand account; and a YouTube URL, with a post-it attached to that sheet of paper - 'look into it'. As more intelligence comes to light, showing that the video was not, in fact, CG imagery - and, increasingly, that Gary's control is improving, he decides, with governmental approval, to attempt to recruit Mr. Gray as a 'supersoldier'. As Gary balks at this idea more and more violently - and Reeves watches as his friend and colleague, Lt Anderson, is killed - he shifts gears, instead covertly recruiting Jesse Gray to "contain" the threat that his older brother has become.

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